true north heating and cooling
(780) 569-4100

The Top Culprits of AC Service Calls

Cory Huppie • Sep 07, 2017

Want to know the main reasons we are getting called out to fix air conditioners? Aside from an improper installation being part of the issue, there a few really common reasons behind the problems we fix. Lack of air flow, your Ac needs air like fish need water. Vents and return grilles are the inhale and exhale of your system. Blocking or closing these (even in the basement) suffocates the operation. The filter also affects air flow (a dirty filter or the wrong type). Know what kind of air restriction your system can handle from a filter vs. letting the packaging entice you to buy it. Next, is using it like a van vs. a conditioner.

Many people leave their AC off until they are hot and then turn it on. The hardest job is bringing the home, its building materials and contents, down in temp so allow your AC to do the easiest job (just maintaining). If we’re cold or we want to conserve, turn the thermostat UP not OFF altogether. For most designs, a set point of 20C/70F is the smallest # we should ever set it to (a lower setting is not the solution to cooler and pushes the unit into a danger zone). If a homeowner can follow these guidelines along with an annual mechanical visit, we see a happier, healthier more reliable unit.

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